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Monday 13 July 2015


I am writing this in complete exasperation with the human race as a whole. We are nothing but a bunch of greedy, incompetent beings that take what is "rightfully ours"! Walking through the countryside a few days ago I noticed how beautiful and magical the natural world around us truly is... that was ruined when I reached the top of a hill and noticed the concrete jungle I call home dominating such a huge part of the lands. We say the future is bright but looking down and seeing that I hardly doubt it is going to be bright. Hell, I hardly doubt there will be a future at all. 

Whilst scrolling through Facebook I noticed a status about Fox culling:

I feel this is a dim-witted status written by a dim-witted individual whom thinks that humans as a race are superior and just because people have seen foxes in their local area that a cull is necessary. This person also indicates clearly that we have a lot of waste that animals are then forced to live with and try to make homes out of it instead of the natural materials sourced from mother nature herself. "They are wild animals and do not belong in the city" really got to me because humans decided to take land through greed without considering the wildlife around it thus causing animals homes to be destroyed. Foxes have as much right to roam our cities as much as we let the people you'd most likely find in the Jeremy Kyle waiting room. If we allow fox culling why do we not allow the culling of humans? we are an over populated species which have to build on green zones just to accommodate our selfish needs. 

If we disposed of our waste properly animals would not be forced to forage for food in our bins and if we actually gave some of the earth back less animals would be found roaming the streets, looking for food or trying to find materials to make a safe home. 

A great movie I watched as a child and still love to this day is Pocahontas. If you have not seen this Disney animation you must stop whatever you are doing right now, apart from reading this, and go watch it. a quote we should all take and learn from the film is “You can own the Earth and still all you’ll own is earth until you can paint with all of the colors of the wind.” which means you'll only own 'dirt' until you learn the real value  of what makes Earth alive.
