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Wednesday 11 May 2016

Labels: do we have to use them?

Hello you beautiful readers,

This chapter in my blog will be a heart to heart with you guys (and girls) about the labels we, as a society, place on things to categorise them as being normal or damn right wrong! for instance, society has had a constant struggle with racial preferencing with the categories of white, black or Asian. Well, they just don't make sense to me because we are not white or black or Asian, we are humans. If I said to you I went to a place in Asia you would instantly thing of China or Japan but why do we only specify Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc with being Asian? My grandfather is Asian and he is from Qatar (Doha). We categorise these people so our simple minds can put a race to a profile but it just damn wrong. I was not born white, I was born with less melanin which in turn made my skin lighter in hue. You were not born black, you were just born with more melanin which made your skin darker.

Lets not forget about the labels we plaster all over the LGBTQ community. Not every gay guy wants to steal your boyfriend or get with a straight guy because we only date those who like the same gender. But more to the point why do we have different words for the same thing? Lesbian and Gay. why are these words considered masculine and feminine? They both mean the same thing, they both like the same gender, end of. what more is there to say about that?! Why do we have to call people Transgender? can we not just call them male and female or is that too much for our brains to handle. OH NO! this man wanted to become a woman so he went through life fighting a battle to then not be accepted as a woman but as a trans woman... REALLY PEOPLE?!?! Can he not just be called a woman? I bet you anything if you didn't know that she used to be a male you would not label her as a trans woman but as a woman.

I have to laugh because I just looked at the side of the screen and it says "labels"... Blogger, you are not helping my case here! but even on a simple website we still have to add labels.

now, I am not a writer but if I believe in something I am going try my hardest to get my word across to hopefully, on day, have my voice heard and stand up for what I believe in!

Have a great day!

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