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Saturday 31 January 2015

A Little Bit About Me!

I'm gonna start this off on a light not and say hello fellow bloggers. I never thought I, of all people, would do this but I guess I have too many experiences, feelings and just great stories to tell that I thought, hmmm, why not? Well anyway let me begin by saying who I am. My name is Ben Green, I am from Gloucestershire in England and I want to get into Fashion editorial. I am currently studying Fashion Design at Gloucestershire College and am thoroughly enjoying every minute of it, even if it does get stressful at times. I am 16 and all I want to do in life is achieve. I am not a massive writer and I just prefer getting straight to the point in anything I say r do so there are ups and downs with being me and we shall experience those things together.

Now to get into my personal life that not many people know. I have a problem with my stomach and intestines that cause me to be in excruciating pain and also stops me from doing anything. Most people don't understand and think I am just skipping college but if you have been in that situation where you are in so much pain that all you do is curl up into a little ball in the middle of your bed and just hibernate from the world for the day then yeah, I feel you. I also have quite a big anxiety issue when it comes to meeting people and I just always stick work into my face to try and hide the fact they are noticing me. The amount of times someone has got to want to know me and I have just thrown it in their face by saying "I have work to do" or "yeah, I am super busy today and the rest of the week. I will have to see how much of my college work I finish before meeting you" is just absolutely crazy. I have to apologies to so many people because I have hurt them without knowing by pushing them away before actually getting to know them and it just makes me feel like such an ass. I have had some really rough moments with family issues and thankfully my parents overcame them slightly to stay together as a married couple which I am thankful for because Lord knows what I would be like socially if they ever did divorce. I have serious trust issues which at times is good because I get out of bad situations but also inconvenient at times because I don't trust anyone except for one person who shall remain nameless.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know me and I have no idea how long these blogs can be before they get annoying and boring so I shall leave it there.

Have a great day.