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Monday 2 February 2015


Hello there lovely readers, I wanted to share with you one of my biggest problems I face right now and that problem is anxiety! If you are not aware what an anxiety is, thanks to Google:

Anxiety (n) 
A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

Do not think because you are feeling a bit worried about something, e.g an exam, that it is a severe form of anxiety because what you are feeling is normal and completely relatable.  I wanted to focus on the real anxieties that make a human suffer so much it stops them dead in there tracks and makes them feel like they are going to explode with too many emotions at once. I sadly have to suffer with this mental illness that plagues me from time to time. Nobody truly knows what can trigger an anxiety attack, or most commonly known as a "panic attack", because each anxiety attack is interchangeable and can be triggered from thin air.

Let me put it into perspective. Have you ever felt like it was going to be a superb day and so you are doing your thing and then all of a sudden you start getting slight shakes. You think nothing of it and just carry on. Then you start feeling really hot, and I mean REALLY hot, until your palms get soaked in sweat. You then feel your heart beating so hard in your chest that you end up breathing uncontrollably. You try telling yourself to calm down but it just seems to get worse the more you reject it. You feel completely paralysed, dead in your tracks, and you try to let out a noise but nothing seems to come out but gasps of air and tears. When you finally catch your breath you get a tingling feeling move over your body like a heavy cloud and you just scream, nothing else but tears and screams. You are in trauma.

Lightening the mood now, once you are over the anxiety attack you will always wonder what could have brought it on but you carry on with your day, still shaking, but carrying on.

If you have ever felt like this then I understand what you are going through and I was told today that it does get better even if you think it couldn't possibly get better. If you do have an anxiety attack do not keep it to yourself but go tell someone you can trust as it does help a million to not be so ashamed of having one.

Have a great day.

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