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Tuesday 3 February 2015

Remedies, Remedies Everywhere!

Hello there lovely readers, so today I thought I would show you some of the natural calming remedies I use for coping with anxiety attacks. All of these remedies are super cheap and certainly effective at keeping you feeling well and fit and ready for the new day ahead. I start my morning with a mug of green tea. I don't usually buy anything special when it comes to green tea because personally it all tastes the same, so I buy Tesco's finest and it is delicious!

When I have finished college or a long day of working on sketchbooks and college work I like to have a small mug of Lemon & Ginger tea from TWININGS. I personally prefer this brand for their lemon and ginger tea because it isn't super strong nor too weak but just right with a nice gentle hint of flavours and not a punch-in-the-face sort of thing. I just particularly love the little spiciness you get from the ginger that warms the back of your throat. In actual fact I am writing this blog with a hot mug of this with a teaspoon and a half of honey mixed in with it just to make it a bit sweeter for my taste and also going to help me prevent a cold. Lovely!

Just before going to bed I like to take a small mug of Calming Camomile from TWININGS. This again isn't too strong nor too weak. Camomile is good because it helps with:
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Muscle twitches
  • Wounds, burns and scrapes
  • Skin conditions such as Psoriasis, eczema, chickenpox and diaper rash
  • Stomach problems such as menstrual cramps, stomach flu and ulcers
I will agree that it isn't the nicest of tastes but if it keeps me well then I am taking that stuff.

I do not usually have all of these in one day but I will often break it up into certain days I will do this process and then other days I will take Bach's Rescue Remedy, which was suggested by a few of my friends and my lecturer and so I now take this with me wherever I go because you just add a few drops to your drink, or straight but be warned as it tastes very, uhm, floral I guess, and hey presto you have yourself a nice relaxing drink. This will definitely be coming with my to London on Thursday.

Have a great day.

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