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Sunday 1 February 2015


Hello there fellow readers of all that is great and wonderful... Don't know what that was, anyway, thought today's blog could be all about things I like? Is that fun? probably not but here we go!

My favourite colour is green but not just any green, oh no, but Islamic green. God I love that colour! 

My favourite location to go on holiday is my home as it has all my comforts and is a place of relaxation in my eyes. 

My favourite musician is Lana Del Rey because she is Queen and Lord of all Creation. 

My favourite food is banana pancakes and drink wise has to be Raspberry and Pomegranate from Marks and Sparks (M&S) for all of you who don't know my lingo. 

My favourite activity is going for really long walks in the countryside because you get the scenery, the smells and you free your mind from all problems. 

My favourite sports team is Arizona Cardinals in NFL and my favourite player is Larry Fitzgerald because he is always smiling and just looks super happy all the time. 

My favourite season is Spring because it is my birthday (3 April) but also when it isn't too hot nor too cold but a major contributor is the fact that life comes back to the world. 

One thing I would love to do is travel around the world but do challenges in the different countries, kinda like The Amazing Race. 

My favourite quote is from the wonderful Karl Lagerfeld and that is;
"Trendy is the last stage before tacky."
I just love this quote because it stops me saying the word 'trendy'.

I think I have covered most areas of things I like and so I shall love you and leave you, fellow readers.

Have a great day.

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